The Light Painting KATA by Patrick Rochon
Sure you know light painting artist Patrick Rochon. We posted before others great Patrick´s BTS videos like 24x360 degree bullet time light painting.
Now he surprises us with this mix of light painting and martial arts, "kata". The results, "brilliant"
Patrick explains what he feels:
Getting to the essence of what I do,The final images
I now understand that light painting is above all, movement.
It is to me a mix of dancing and martial arts.
Light moves everywhere all the time.
Our bodies are emitting light
and expressing something subtle but important.
We must see it and understand it.
We must reveal it's secrets and knowledge.
I believe it is a key connected to our consciousness.
The Light Painting KATA
is the expression of our light and
the trace we leave behind.

More inspiration on ISO 1200 with Patrick Rochon:
- Motion to Light Wakeboarding by Light Painting Master Patrick Rochon and Red Bull Illume 2013
- LIFTOFF 360º ( Second Part of 24x360 degree bullet time light painting by Patrick Rochon )
- 24x360 degree bullet time light painting by Patrick Rochon
- Patrick Rochon and Aurora Crowley, two light painters
- Behind the Black Curtain. How we light paint in total darkness. ( MY FAVORITE)
Thanks Patrick for sharing this video.You can read the original post here:
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