α7 Ⅱ 5-axis SteadyShot INSIDE from Sony: Official Video Release
5-axis image stabilization (5-axis SteadyShot INSIDE)
The remarkable new 5-axis image stabilization system dramatically expands your range of expression by compensating for five types of camera shake during handheld shooting of still images and movies.
So you can confidently zoom in faraway subjects, snap detailed close-ups and capture night scenes with minimal camera shake blur. Since camera shake compensation is equivalent to using a 4.5-step* faster shutter speed, you can also take advantage of a wider range of shutter speeds. All this, within super compact dimensions!
* Based on CIPA standard. Pitch/yaw shake only. With Sonnar T* FE 55mm F1.8 ZA lens mounted. Long exposure NR off.
Text and video via Sony

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