IFBB Bikini Pro Ashley Pfaff Fitness Shoot - Lighting Walkthrough with Alexis Cuarezma
IFBB Bikini Pro Ashley Pfaff Fitness Shoot - Lighting Walkthrough by Commercial Advertising Sports photographer Alexis Cuarezma.
The original plan was to just take the B1’s to the park, stay light and mobile and then head to the gym. But we decided to take B4 packs just in case we wanted to try something more creative with 4 lights or needed more power. For what I had originally planned the B1’s were perfect. I love lighting at noon and the afternoon and do it with two lights. I use one small narrow light source up high which in this case was a Profoto Narrow Beam reflector with a 10 degree grid, and also soft box. I took my 30×40 Chimera Soft Box which I love. It’s not too big or too small and works perfect for my needs. Even though I’m using two lights, I don’t use them in a traditional sense of a “main” and “fill” light. They both can work independent of each other. Meaning if one fired and the other didn’t, you would still get a proper exposure. I pretty much have them set on a 1:1 ratio. I love putting the narrow source up high. I call it a “texture light” because since it’s small, it throws a lot harsh shows on your subject. I than use the soft box to quite those shadows almost all the way down. But there’s still a hint of them there and it gives the image an extra weight that I really love. I also wanted to get a star burst from the sun. In order to do that, you need to push at least F16 if not F22. So the B1’s were set at full power. -said our friend Alexis-Lighting Used:
2 - Profoto B1 Mono Lights +2 Spare Batteries+Chargers
2- Profoto B4 Packs + 2 Spare Battiers+Chargers
3- Heads for B4 Packs
3- Profoto Narrow Beam Travel Reflector
1- Profoto White Beauty w/ Sock
1- Profoto Speed Ring (for Chimera Soft Box)
1- Profoto Hardbox
1- 30x40 Chimera Softbox
2- umbrellas
1 Pocket Wizard MultiMax & Plus 3 Triggers
UPDATE: Read the full post with more info and images on blog.alexiscuarezma.com
More inspiration on:
Site: http://www.AlexisCuarezma.com
IG: http://www.Instagram.com/AlexisCuarezma

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