Catalog Photography Free Tutorial by Tony Roslund and RGG EDU
One free preview of over 55 videos included in the Complete Guide To Product Photography available now at Save $25 off this week only!
Cameras and Lenses:
About the the Instructor:
Tony Roslund is a third-generation photographer who grew up in the family's studios and labs of Northern Virginia. Tony started shooting in the days of film and worked as the photographer for his high school yearbook, not only creating all the images, but also processing everything nightly in his fathers lab. His after shool job was also in the studio and lab where he assisted customers, processed film, and printed proofs. A few years after high school,
Tony enlisted in the US Navy pursuing a career with the Navy SEALs. Unfortunately he was injured in Hell Week and declined to continue training. Coming full-circle after the military Tony picked up the family craft once again, this time with digital, and started his professional career as a photographer. First with portraits, and eventually moving into commercial product photography.
Text and video via RGG EDU

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