What are you waiting for to be an Ikea photographer?
Do not wait a second, because I think this is a great oportunity. And you?
We are looking for an experienced photographer.
In the middle of Småland’s dark forests sits one of Europe’s most dynamic communication partners – a company with only one account, but more than 250 creative co-workers. Our name is IKEA Communications, or ICOM as most people call us. We’re the IKEA communication partner that creates everything from the IKEA website to the annual IKEA catalogue, brochures, assembly instructions and motion media. You’ll find us a stone’s throw from the first IKEA store, in Älmhult, Sweden.
As a photographer, you work in our 8,000 square meter studio and on location, capturing our (and your) passion for home furnishing with inspiring images. Whether it’s the warmth of a candle, the feeling of a cosy dinner or the quality of a solid wood table, you make the photo’s intentions clear, meaningful and evocative.
As a person, you possess flexibility and substantial social skills. A team player, you have the ability to work with a constellation of different people. You value and voice your professional opinion about creative communication solution and image quality. You want to and have the ability to share your professsional knowledge with other co-workers at ICOM. New image production techniques such as 3D are changes you embrace and strive to learn.
If you have any questions about this position, please contact Annelie Sjögren, Competence leader, annelie.sjogren@ikea.com or photographer Henrik Palmberg, henrik.palmberg@ikea.com. For questions about the recruitment process, please contact Jane Johansson, HR, jane.johansson@ikea.com.
We look forward to your application, no later than December 31 2011.
Please send your PDF portfolio, CV and personal letter to: jane.johansson@ikea.com
Text and videos by IKEA recruits
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