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When an iPhone Camera is Better Than a Full Frame

2/20/2023 Matt 0 Comments


The photographer and filmmaker, Tyler Stalman, is a big fan of full-frame cameras with  f/1.2 lenses. However, he admits that the future of filmmaking looks a lot more like an iPhone. In this video, Tyler compares what an iPhone can do better than a full-frame mirrorless camera, as well as the reasons he is not going to sell his big cameras quite yet.

The first thing he discusses is image quality. Tyler Stalman is using an iPhone 14 Pro, and he thinks that it applies to at least a few years back worth of iPhones. 

In conclusion, bigger sensors will always produce better images, but Tyler believes that the future of filmmaking looks a lot more like an iPhone. Nevertheless, he still believes that there are many situations where big cameras are necessary, and he is not going to sell his big cameras quite yet.

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About Tyler Stalman:

Professional photographer & cinematographer with an endless love of gear, technology and style. Let's Get Connected: | Listen to the podcast | Twitter | Instagram

Image and video via Tyler Stalman