How to make a portable variable speed linear slider motor for about $55 AUD
Learn how to make a portable variable speed linear dolly / slider motor for shooting timelapse videos that can be used on any slider rig for about $55 AUD.For about $85 AUD you can have a deluxe version with two motors, one for timelapse and another for regular speed shots, USB power and a dedicated 12v battery and charger. Here's a little day trip I did to test the unit out It rained the entire day, so it wasn't ideal, but you can see that it works!
The slider used is an 80cm Konova K2. you'll need an intervalometer - I use Magic Lantern on my 6D, a hack which allows you to do intervalometer shots in-camera, but you can buy a unit off eBay for c. $30. Be sure to get one that can take an infinite number of photographs, many timeout at 99 (4 seconds of footage).
Shoutout to Style43 ( and Joakim Fjeldli ( for the inspiration.
// Shooting Advice
1. Have fun!
2. Put a bit of tension on your sliders bearings and you'll get silky smooth motion, and use fishing line (or any string for that matter) that doesn't have any elasticity or give.
For the full parts list, including links, see
Text and video via ASK
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