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Discover the Top 5 Podcasts Every Professional Photographer Should Tune Into

6/07/2023 Matt 0 Comments

If you're a fan of photography podcasts, today's video is incredibly captivating and worth watching. It's a great opportunity to discover some new recommendations and expand your knowledge in the field. Photographer Kevin Patrick Robbins will unveil the top five photography podcasts that are essential for professional photographers. Podcasts offer an incredible platform for learning, gaining inspiration, and staying abreast of industry trends. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to find the best ones. That's why he has curated a list of the most outstanding photography podcasts that will undoubtedly benefit photographers of all levels. 

Podcasts are a powerful resource for professional photographers, offering a plethora of valuable insights, inspiration, and expert advice. From Photo Biz X to Dear Art Producer, each of these top five podcasts brings a unique perspective to the table. Let's dive in and explore these exceptional podcasts!

The Candid Frame:

the candid frame

With over 600 episodes under his belt, Ibarionex Perello has earned the title of the podcast king of photography. The Candid Frame stands out for its exceptional storytelling, captivating interviews, and, of course, Perello's mesmerizing voice. While long interview podcasts may not be everyone's cup of tea, The Candid Frame defies expectations. 

Photo Biz X:

Hosted by Andrew Helmi, Photo Biz X is a goldmine for photographers looking to elevate their business skills. With over 500 episodes and a new episode released every week, this podcast features insightful interviews with photographers and photography business coaches. Each episode focuses on a specific topic aimed at improving your photography business. Many episodes have played a pivotal role in shaping photographers' careers and refining their marketing and promotional strategies. 

Photo Pros Podcast:

Robert Noel, the Photo Pros Podcast

Hosted by Robert Noel, the Photo Pros Podcast may have a limited number of episodes (eight to be precise), but the quality is unparalleled. Noel has conducted interviews with renowned photographers such as Chris Nichols, Art Schreiber ( he shares a lot of BTS on Instagram)  and Jill Greenberg, making this podcast a treasure trove of inspiration. Despite its small episode count, each conversation is an enriching experience that reveals unique insights from the industry's best. 

Dear Art Producer with Heather Elder:

Heather Elder's Dear Art Producer podcast

Claiming the top spot on our list is Heather Elder's Dear Art Producer podcast. As a photo agent, Heather interviews art producers, providing invaluable behind-the-scenes knowledge of their careers and collaborations with commercial photographers.  Make sure to check out this podcast for exclusive insights from industry experts.

Full-Time Photographer:

Josh Rossi's Full-Time Photographer podcast

Josh Rossi's Full-Time Photographer podcast had an impressive run, with episodes released every weekday. While the show's format may appear repetitive, it provided a platform for nearly 300 interviews with commercial, editorial, and advertising photographers. In bite-sized episodes lasting less than 30 minutes, Full-Time Photographer delivers valuable insights and inspiration. 


Whether you're seeking to enhance your business strategies, gain inspiration from industry leaders, or delve into the inner workings of commercial photography, these podcasts will undoubtedly enrich your photography journey. So, start exploring these remarkable podcasts and let them fuel your creativity and passion for photography.

Image and video via Studio Builder | Instagram | Behance