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The Calm: Documentary about Surf Photographer Brian Bielmann

1/31/2015 Matt 0 Comments

Director MP Cunningham got a chance to go to the North Shore and spend a couple days with surf photographer, Brian Bielmann (website). At age 18 he packed his bags and, with two hundred dollars in his pocket, headed to Hawaii, and he has never looked back. This video gives just a small glimpse of what you can accomplish if you never give up on your dreams.

Una foto publicada por 📷Brian📷Bielmann📷 (@brianbielmann) el

Una foto publicada por 📷Brian📷Bielmann📷 (@brianbielmann) el

Una foto publicada por 📷Brian📷Bielmann📷 (@brianbielmann) el

Una foto publicada por 📷Brian📷Bielmann📷 (@brianbielmann) el

Una foto publicada por 📷Brian📷Bielmann📷 (@brianbielmann) el

Una foto publicada por 📷Brian📷Bielmann📷 (@brianbielmann) el

MP Cunningham wants to give a special thanks to Andrew Hair, Jesse Senko, Daniel Petersen, and Nate Leal for helping him make this.


Director: MP Cunningham
Assistant Director: Andrew Hair
Water Cinematographer: Nate Leal
Producer: Jesse Senko
Sound Design: Daniel Petersen

Text and video via MP Cunningham  | Images via